Origin Story

Fact #1: This is the second time I’ve written this post.

Fact #2: I’m terrible at keeping to New Year’s resolutions.

If you guessed I’m currently battling New Year’s resolutions you would be correct. Originally, I didn’t make any resolutions. This makes it easier to avoid my annual plummeting nose dive when I’m overwhelmed by the end of winter break a week later. During my New Year’s resolution process I experience what I imagine a labrador retriever goes through when he ends up realizing that his owner never actually threw the stick. Blinding enthusiasm and then crushing emotional heartbreak. But it lasts just for a second, because I’m distracted by a different tennis ball being thrown ten seconds later.

And the reason it’s so hard to keep resolutions is that I’m secretly a perfectionist.  

To anyone who knows me, this is a shock. I’m not known for doing the dishes consistently, I struggle cleaning my room, and my laid back attitude is famous for killing previous attempts to get in shape with the thought, “I tried my best”. To the untrained eye this looks like laziness. When paired with anxiety and ADD, you get a boy who starts enthusiastically but gets distracted by other things and then stresses out that he’s avoiding his goals and will never do anything perfectly. And all it takes is one week for this whole process to happen.

This is what my current list of resolutions look like:

1. Increase my online presence through a blog.
2. Actually cook for yourself and eat better than salad and grilled cheese on a daily basis.
3. Read books.
4. Become sophisticated and well rounded.
5. Become educated in how movies are critiqued
6. TRY to exercise

Just writing out this list stresses me out. And seeing six goals makes me feel overwhelmed already. So to reduce the anxiety of the possibility of failure and eliminate my perfectionist tendencies I’m not going to be setting any specific measure for my goals this year. Instead, I’m going to be mashing them all together. That makes six goals one goal. That’s a little less scary. I’ve decided I’m just going to be healthy. That’s it. And I’ll achieve healthy by doing all of these things I listed. This doesn’t mean I’m going to be perfect. It means that the whole idea behind New Year’s resolutions is more a journey through self-improvement and not an every day life and death struggle.

I hope you join me and keep reading! I plan on posting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So hopefully you’ll find my awkward experiences achieving my goals as entertaining as I do.